The School of Design of Politecnico di Milano promotes and enhances the figure of the Visiting Professor and Visiting Researcher for the internationalization and the cultural and scientific development of the University. It also encourages outgoing mobility and collaborations with international partners through Teaching Staff missions, the future program of collaborative classrooms, etc.
The stay at its scientific and teaching facilities of professors, researchers, scholars belonging to foreign universities, research or higher education institutions, as well as highly qualified professional designers to carry out training and seminar activities as part of a course of study.Moreover, it's done to carry out PhD and research activities, even based on specific international agreements entered into by the School and supported by the offices.
The Visiting Professor can be part of the committees to evaluate university exams and the discussion of dissertations and evaluate doctoral theses.
Ogni anno accademico visiting professors fanno didattica presso la nostra Scuola.
And as part of the Erasmus and bilateral agreements with partner universities and schools, the laboratories of the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s Degree, Interior Design, welcomed professors:
Katelijn Quartier (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Nicolas Gyömörei (ESA St Luc Brussels, Belgium)
Guillerma Noël (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Swizterland)
Maria Milano (Esad Matosinhos, Portugal)
Susana Gonzaga (Madeira University, Portugal)
Verl Adams (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
The internationalization of teaching began soon after creating the School and the Master's Degree in English PSSD. Over time, the professors, international designers have been guests in various capacities and essential pieces for the growth of the entire system.
Alexander Loukissas
Alexandros Tsamis
Alison Prendiville
Anders Koed Madsen
Andrea Alessandrini
Andrea Morgante
Anke Strittmatter
Anne Boddington
Belen Hermida
Camillo Boano
Carla Cipolla
Carolina Fois
Christine Arnold Solomon
Christine Luedeke
Cindy Coleman
Daniel Kaplan
David Delafosse
David Fern
David Malouf
Eduardo Staszowski
Edwin Jakobs
Elena Pacenti
Elio Caccavale
Ergul Emre
Erik Von Bohemia
Francesca Murialdo
Francisco Jose Gomez Paz
Gabriele Ferri
Helmut Langer
Jakobus Sliggers
James Postell
Jodi Forlizzi
Juan Alfonso De La Rosa
Judith Ackermann
Kaja Tooming Buchanan
King Chung Siu
King Chung Siu
Lara Penin
Lucio Magri
Luigi Ferrara
Marco Mencacci
Marco Steinberg
Marcus Foth
Marina Henrieke Sonneveld
Marina Sonneveld
Mark Breitenberg
Mark Roxburgh
Markus Jatsch
Marti Guixe’
Martina Glomb
Mauro Porcini
Mientije Toeters
Mika Tuomola
Neil Frankel
Nicolas Henchoz
Nicolas Nova
Nik Baerten
Norman Mcnally
Olavo Bessa
Oliver Marlow
Paola Trapani
Patrizia Marti
Paul McNicoll
Peter Di Sabatino
Peter Gall Krogh
Pia Tikka
Richard Buchanan
Richard Lombard
Rui Roda
Santiago Ortiz
Saskia Van Stein
Stefan Holmlid
Stefana Braodbent
Stephan Jung
Takashi Ifuji
Johanna Teunissen
Troy Richards
Valentina Tanni
Victor Margolin
Wendy Yothers
Xiaocun Zhu
Yingchun Zang
Yuki Kikutake
International Opportunities for Teaching
Teaching Staff (Erasmus +)
Il programma Erasmus+ sostiene degli accordi per lo scambio di docenti (Teaching Staff) sia IN che OUT.
Collaborative Classroom
Le Collaborative Classes costituiscono un modello innovativo di insegnamento curriculare e di apprendimento che prevede la collaborazione on line di un docente del Politecnico di Milano e di un docente di un’università estera, accompagnati dalle rispettive classi.La collaborazione può essere implementata sia organizzando lezioni congiunte che attività progettuali e laboratoriali, svolte insieme sfruttando le piattaforme digitali. I docenti sono chiamati a co-progettare l’insegnamento condividendone obiettivi formativi, struttura, modalità di erogazione ed eventualmente di valutazione.
Per informazione e programmazione delle attività contattare l’ufficio RELÈ (